How ginger helps my cramps from Stop Smoking


New member
I quit smoking 4 years ago, but it’s not that easy. I was smoking since I was 18. I decided to quit because I want to live a healthy life. A lot of cold turkeys happened before I finally quit.

Fighting the urges to not to smoke is really mental challenge to me.

But I’m happy that I overcome my smoking addiction. After 1 week of quitting I experience a bad cramps in my stomach that sometimes I feel like I’m going to faint. I feel nauseous all the time too.

So I made a research on google on what tea’s can help my cramps. And thats how I find out that sipping ginger tea helps relieve my cramps and other stomach issues. I’ve been drinking ginger tea until now before bedtime. I love the taste of it but maybe for some of you, you wouldn’t like it.

If you decide to quit stick to your commitment. Why you want to quit in the first place? Decide on a personal plan to stop tobacco use and make a commitment to stick to it.

I know it’s not gonna be that easy I’ve been there myself but once you overcome it you will become powerful.