How i earn $160 daily in 2021 full method explained



I am in digital marketing since 2015 and tried so many methods in my life like website, Fiverr gig, Upwork, etc but failed in all but in 2017 I started to learn CPA marketing and this thing change my life. I know so many people wonder why I say that this is the journey of 2021. now I am going to tell you how I start my journey-
1-first I start to focus on how I generate targeted traffic.
2- in the 2nd I focus on what is the quality product that I can provide so my traffic does not get disappointed.
3- in 2017 I make several Facebook account and make different type of pages related to girls' stuff and find so many great products for girls.
4-then I started to promote my page differently so in 2020 I have approx 213K likes on my Facebook pages because I was consistent and I sell so many affiliate marketing products with help of an amazon associate.
5- at the end of 2020 I started to explore the CPA world like Ogads and CPA grip now for conversion on that type of site I make 1 Instagram account and make handbags related page.
6- now I shift my Facebook audience on Instagram and increase my audience with the help of the following unfollow method.
7- I post so many handbags related posts on Instagram and post-premium-looking handbag put a high price on Instagram and say if you want a 50% discount dm me.
8- 1000 girls message me and they complete my ogads offers. ( EPC is low in India so i get $160 for 1000 conversion)
9- and after they redirected t my amazon or other company affiliate product so I get double profit and earn so much money from it.
so that is my method if anyone gets confused and wants my help then DM me.