How is affiliate marketing better than freelancing?


Affiliate marketing is better than freelancing because it provides a steady stream of income, without the stress and uncertainty of having a full-time job.

When you're working freelance, there's a constant pressure to produce. You need to be able to draw up a spreadsheet with all of your expenses and income, so that you can make sure you're meeting your goals. There's also always a chance that the project will run into trouble, so it's critical for freelancers to have multiple streams of income available in case something goes wrong.

With affiliate marketing, you can set your own schedule and work whenever you want and if someone cancels on their end (or decides not to pay), you don't lose money by default. This is especially great when you consider how much more flexible freelance jobs can be: some clients require long-term commitments or large upfront payments; others may ask their writers to work on weekends or during special events like holidays or vacations away from home; and some clients may only want one article written each year or once every two weeks instead of monthly or quarterly reports.