How is cryptocurrency created?


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Just like the name is, Cryptocurrency,
The key word there is Crypto - Cryptography if you understand Cryptography you will understand how cryptocurrencies can to be.
It's simply a secret and secure way of recording transactions and keeping of records on the computer system or blockchain. The computer system already works in a complex mathematical problem situation called binary.

The process by which cryptocurrencies is created is called mining. And mining just like other people have suggested is allowing the computer to solve some particular problems that has been programmed in it.
So , I think. But if any one has contrary opinion or idea or knowledge about it, please feel free to share your own idea about the topic. I will be willing to learn more. Thanks.
Crypto is an encryption, being encrypted to function digitally. It is a product of cryptography, it is bonded to be decentralized and process transactions faster, secured with the help of smart contract feature. If you're a crypto enthusiast you'll understand more, i know you're on the advancing progress around crypto investment.

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