How Many Carbs Should You Eat In A Day?


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Carbs are one of the three macronutrients that you need in a day, and they're the energy that fuels your body. After a workout, most people need carbs to refuel their bodies. Eating the right amount of carbs can help you recover from your workout and feel good.

But there's a sweet spot.. eating too many carbs can give you some unwanted side effects like bloating and gas. And eating too few carbs could mean that your body isn't getting enough energy to make it through the day.It is important that you consider your age, weight, gender, and activity level when determining how many carbohydrates to eat in a day.
It depends though, if you are planning on loosing weight, it is expected that you eat lesser carbs than does not having the intention of loosing weight. I was once in a health class, they said carb should be the smallest thing you eat.