How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Actually Need?


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One of the common questions asked by many people regarding sleep is how many hours of sleep do you actually need?

If you do a lot of physical and mental labor you need to sleep more than the person who works on average job. If you are not well, for instance, you have fever; you need to sleep more than a normal person because sleeping more helps you to recover faster. In order to find out how many hours you need to sleep, let’s look at the following data.

Newborns (0-3 months) sleep just few hours at a time, and need 16-18 hours of sleep.

Infants (4-12 months) need 12-16 hours of sleep and their body understand the night time and day time sleeping

Toddlers (1-2 years) need 11-14 hours of sleep, they sleep well at night and take naps in the day.

Preschool (3-5 years) need 10-13 hours sleep, they might either be night owl or early bird

School age (6-12 years) need 9-12 hours of sleep, they tend to go into deep sleep

Teens (13-18) need 8-10 hours of sleep; they tend to stay up until late hours

Adults (19-) need to sleep at least 7 hours, they get less sleep over the years, dream sleep (see a lot of dreams during the sleep) as they get older.
Sleep is very important for your physical, psychological, and emotional health. When you go to sleep, not only do your brain and body get rest but your body will also go into repair mode. When you sleep, your cells regenerate and your body self heals. Therefore, sleep is very important. Sleeping hours depend on a lot of things such as your work schedule, health conditions, and age, most importantly, your age. While a newborn will sleep in short sessions for 18 hours, elderly people also cannot get a long sleep, they will normally sleep in short sessions. For example, a newborn will be awake after 1-2 hours, poop, pee, eat, cry, and then go back to sleep. The elderly people also cannot sleep for a long session, they will be awake after 2-3 hours and again go back to sleep. Sometimes they will have trouble sleeping, therefore, they will fulfill their quota through daytime naps. I need at least 8 hours of sleep. If I cannot get 8 hours of sleep, I will feel lethargy all day long. However, I also try to avoid sleeping longer than 8 hours. Sometimes when I cannot get enough sleep, I take day time nap.
Sleep is very important in order to make ourselves fit ,health and active .Because by doing work the whole day ,our body muscles become tired and we feel fatigue mentally or physically. Then ,in order to relax our body sleep is very important. If I am talking about me then after lunch I take a nap for half an hour and in the night I must take at least 7 to 8 hours sleep .if we will not sleep at one night then you will unable to do work properly or actively in the next morning
7 to 8 hours of sleep is recommended for adults and may be height for teenagers and children. But overall, it is ideal to sleep early (at most 11 o'clock) so as to wake up early and get along with your daily chores. I barely sleep early due to work and night chores which I'm aware and guilty of. I. Trying my best to meet up with the minimum of at least 6 hours of sleep which is still ideal. Children ate to have about 10 hours of sleep and Infants about 12 to 16 hours. As one grows, he needs rest and sleep to maintain the body work and to get it function the way it should. So for you, sleeping about 7 to 8 hours or even 6 is enough for you.
Wow, I have learn new things today. The only thin I know is we have to sleep at least 8 hours a day but you have help to learn new things that is somehow beneficial. I will try to have more sleep from now going. Thank you for your post.
Sleep is very important, most people get stressed from daily activities and fail to sleep at night due to work and other reasons which isn’t good, personally as an adult I sleep for 5 hours sometimes I try to sleep for 7-8 hours because of my job
We actually need 6 to 8 hours of sleep, our bodies are like machines that can easily break down if not properly taken care of, and sleep is one of the way to take care of our body. Personally I do not have enough sleep though, due to works and all that.
Thank you for sharing , The point is that I don't really have the time to be calculating how many times I will be sleeping in a day, but naturally I will always try as much as possible to have up to six hours sleep a day and sometimes it may not even be up to that and sometimes 5 depending on my schedule. I know this is not the right thing but in most cases you will not likely have any other option than to adapt to all this changes

Even if I have to sleep five hours at night , I will always create A Time to sleep at least one hour on the day which can really help me to recover from the lack of sleep I had the previous night and probably this will really help me to keep on going.

Normally based on what the doctors says, we are to sleep at least seven to eight hours just like you have said but so many people may not likely be able to sleep up to that because of the type of work they are doing or because of certain responsibilities they have to take care of .
Hmm according to the doctor normal human being needs at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep to regain from the previous day stress but not everybody can sleep that long because of the nature of their job or what they need to attend to especially me I don't usually sleep at night simply because am working online the time I sleep will almost be close to 5am and I still have to wake up at 6am this makes me dizzy and feel unbalanced when I wake up I feel like my brain is off then I start saying weird things before I will actually be fully awake after some minutes I know this is really affecting me and I'll try to sleep during the day time now.

Bit also there is this superstition that when a person sleeps during the day time he /she won't be able to sleep at night, but this depends on the stress the person is person is passing through if the person did a hard work during the day and takes a nap there is still a chance that person will still sleep at night.
At least 6 to 8 hours of sleep is necessary to help our body. Though most people sleep even more than 8hours. But if your a really busy type I'll suggest you sleep 6 or 8 hours no matter how busy you might seem.

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