How many streams of income do you have


Active member
We have heard motivational speakers tell us, we need at least 4 streams of income to become financially independent.
I agree that to become financially independent one needs more than just 1 means of income.

So friends, do you agree?
How many streams of income do you make money from?


Active member
Motivational speakers are just doing their own jobs that will fetch them money, you don't have to follow everything, you pick what's yours that will benefit you. It is good to have multiple sources of income but don't forget to only take up jobs that you can handle. I have my offline business and I have some online gigs but I refer to them as one online job because they only take little of my time so I have more time to focus on my offline life.


Active member
I only three streams of income and the funniest thing is that two of it are time consuming.
I hardly have time for other things when on them. I don't think it advisable to have many streams of income and be managing them all by yourselves cause it will take most of your time


Verified member
According to my own point of view having stream of income is wise but also it is very difficult to control them, when you have streams of income you need to give them all your time in order for you to keep them going sometimes managers are not trusted and you have to always check on them in order for them not to crash your business. As for me I have four streams of income and right now it is taking all of my time I don't even have time for myself anymore. I believe soon I will learn to control them better


Active member
Having so many streams of income is wise and good decision to make, however in your choice of what to do you must consider the continuity and sustainability of what you want to venture into because there are a lot venture out there that looks lucrative but are not sustainable.