How to avoid being envied at work


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The truth is that you would attract negativity to yourself when you are being envied ar the work place instead of being a motivation.

it can be both physically and mentally draining for anyone facing this. So instead of getting to this point, you can prevent it from happening by adopting some tips that will prevent this from happening.

Be friendly

You would remove the barrier of being seen as a pompous person when you are friendly with your colleagues. it doesn't stop you from maintaining professional relationships but be more cordial to only promote positive vibes and encourage good energy

Request for support

You might be the brightest or smartest staff but you can do better by bringing in your coworkers to be part of the wins. don't forget that envy stems from jealousy. By doing and winning alone will draw undue attention to you which might means others envying you not in the positive but in the negative. so it is good to he careful when winning all the time. Draw others in , then then also enjoys the wins with you.

Pay attention to others

Don't always believe your ideas are the best by downplaying that of your colleagues you are indirectly encouraging envy. Just let them have their way and you take the back seats sometimes.