How to be Disciplined


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What is Discipline?

Discipline is the act of staying focused in order to achieve a particular goal or ambition. A lot of people or should I say everybody has a particular goal or Target to be achieved in this life but some people lack the discipline and temerity to achieve this goal. Being disciplined is not as easy as it sounds, it takes a lot to be disciplined especially in the face of serious temptation. The Holy book even suggested we flee from temptation that is to show that it's not easy to be disciplined in the face of temptations. I would suggest some ways in which we can maintain discipline in the face of temptations. They include;

1. Have a remainder either engraved in a place you see everyday or as an app on your phone of your goals and aspirations in life.

2. Stay around people that are Disciplined and focus. There is a famous saying that goes as “show me your friend and I would tell you who you are”. Being around focused people rubs off on you in a positive way.
Feel free to share ways in which one can be disciplined.
To be disciplined is to have focus or an goal to achieve.
Always Trina your self on what to do and what not to do.
Work with the main of your goals and with what you want to heve.
Always believe in your self.
Discipline can give you freedom, freedom from being a slave to your moods, desires and appetites. It is the ability to take action irrespective of your emotional condition. It also implies that you take action according to what you think and not depending upon what you feel. It involves giving up pleasure and thrill which is found in the ‘now’, for the help and contentment of the ‘later’.
It is vital for leadership, better health and lifestyle and for everything. In today’s age of social media distractions and the pace of life being constantly increasing, it has become very significant factor setting apart those who lead and those who are swept away by the gush of the ordinary.
Discipline is the first you should practice if you want to be a successful trader. All the successful traders on the planet are disciplined traders. They may have distinctive trading techniques however one thing is normal which is they are restrained. Taking in the market and being control is trading is the way to accomplishment here. I am trading with Eurotrader broker. I like their educational resources. It has helped me in my learning a lot.
The core principle of discipline is to know the right thing and do it even if you don't feel like doing it at that time. It takes great courage to have discipline. The reason is that we often look us to do things that please our mind. discipline is one of the necessary qualities you need to possess if you want to become successful in most areas of life. It can be very hard to achieve success without discipline.
Discipline is a great virtue that people need but many of them lack it. It is through discipline that you stay focused on the tasks you plan to do and finish them. Becoming disciplined takes alot of practice and repetition but with time you become better. This is because your brain adapts to it and forms new neural pathways that makes it easier to do that task.