How to Build a Successful Career on Youtube


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For a lot of youtubers, reaching monetization threshold is very difficult. Even when they manage to get 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watch time and monetize their channel, they do not earn revenue.

In order to become successful on youtube, you need to choose a niche and build content around that niche. If you analyze the successful youtubers, you will find that most of them are focusing on single niche.

Before you publish your video, do a research by searching for the videos that you want to make. From the search results, check the content and views on the video listed on the top. Try creating similar videos but with better content. Remember to use the same keywords and similar title and description. Youtube will recommend your video to the audience who watch those top performing videos, which will increase the likelihood of views and subscribers.

A lot of people start youtube channel just because they have heard that youtube is a good platform to make money. However, they are in such a hurry that they do not build knowledge on how the platform works and what kind of content gains traction. They keep on uploading content without knowing how youtube algorithm actually works. Sadly, most of the new youtubers even don’t read policy and community guidelines and end up being demonetize because to copyright issues (mainly when they reuse content).


Active member
The hurry to make money on YouTube is a big problem with people nowadays. I also have interest in YouTube but the challenge I have is what content do I make and how attractive can it be to the viewers? These are the questions that kept flooding my mind anytime I try taking a step towards that, but nevertheless I will go for a finding on how to go about it.


VIP Contributor
When I started on youtube I did a lot of research on the type of content that gets better traction on youtube. I choose a niche based on my finding. Sadly, the niche I choose was not something I was very knowledgeable about. That's why I could not be successful. If you start a channel on the niche that you do not know much, there is no way you can be successful on youtube.


VIP Contributor
I personally reckon that there might be several ways you could improve your career as a full-time content creator on platforms such as Youtube. I think when it comes to making content, your basic focus must be on the quality of the content. You must use the best software to create videos and you must possess excellent editing skills. You may hire a professional editor for that if you have budget, but I would recommend to do this job yourself as learning how to edit videos would enhance your editing skills and save money. The next thing you must focus on is to market your channel and gain as many subscribers as you can.


Active member
Indeed knowledge is power
I personally love your idea of making research on the video one intend to publish. That's exactly how the YouTube algorithm works.
And yes, jumping from one niche to another would not help matters except if the person is a celebrity ( even celebrities are know for one thing).
I strongly agree with your advice of standing on one niche but in addition to that one can add some other niches after having a lot of subscribers and viewers
Choose the genre and motive for your channel,determine your voice and style,develop and polish your content,use the right equipment,work on your filming and editing techniques and choose relevant titles and tag


VIP Contributor
To build a successful career on YouTube requires a lot of dedication and hard work. Your major aim is to add value to the YouTube communities and you can make this happen with your channels.

You need to first get started by doing keyword research on YouTube. You do this to know the latest search phrase people are using in your niche on YouTube.

I will assume that you have the quality gadgets which you can use to create a quality video and editing. The next thing is to start posting quality and impactful videos on news search phrases you discover why you are doing research. you need to post quality content consistently to gain followers on YouTube.


VIP Contributor
You are a great content creator does not mean you will become a sensation overnight and millions of people will start subscribing to your channel and start watching your videos. Even for great content creators becoming successful is hard because organic growth is slow. By organic growth what I mean is letting youtbe algorithm push you your video so that you can get subscribers and views. If you are a good content creator and want to become successful on youtube, you need to spend money on advertising. If you advertise your videos, you can easily reach your target audience and easily gain views and subscribers.


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I received a notice from Google Adsense that my account is to be deactivated due to lack of advertisements. My YouTube channel had gained the minimum 1,000 subscribers but it lacks the minimum watch hours. That made me lose my motivation to create more videos that my channel had stagnated the past year or so. Now that the monetization has stopped, I think it is all right. I will just take it as it is because I do not want to be pressured. Besides, I don't think my channel has active fans that will view my videos when I would post.

For those with nothing to do maybe the YouTube monetization can make you rich. If you have lots of friends to support your YouTube channel then you can earn big money in the monetization because of the views that your video would get. There are many who have been there that it is for real to earn. As for me, I will just let my channel stagnate for now.


VIP Contributor
The truth is that it is not really easy to reach monetization threshold on YouTube. But with a lot of work and consistency you can definitely get it right. Like I have always said, a mentor of mine monetized his YouTube channel within one month and since then, I have developed some kind of interest about going fully on YouTube but I do not have the proper gadgets needed yet because some of them can be very expensive. If you want to go into YouTube it is very much important you pick a very good niche that people are always very interested in such as making money online and health niches and so many others such as entertainment and football. people are very much interested in these kind of niches and if you can create a very good content then you will definitely reach monetization very easily. It is also very much important you have proper knowledge of search engine optimisation because that will help you to get views and subscribers directly from Google search. Sometimes, when you search something on Google you will definitely hear some YouTube videos popping up and this search engine optimisation is what they have done.


VIP Contributor
There are many people in this world who have the right skills and abilities to be successful. But there are some that do not and they just can't seem to find their place in this world. This is why it's important to know your strengths and weaknesses.

This is where human relations come into play. Human relations are what make up all the other skills in business, like marketing, finance and management. If you don't know how to deal with people or if you have a bad attitude towards them, then it will be hard for you to succeed in business.

The following are some of the main ways in which human relation skills can help you become more successful:

1. When dealing with clients: The first thing that comes into play when dealing with clients is listening; if you listen carefully enough then you can get a good idea about what they want from their products or services. You should also try to see things from their perspective and not just yours because it helps build trust between the two of you which leads to better communication and more sales overall.

2. When dealing with employees: If an employee wants something from you such as a raise or promotion then by having good human relation skills will make it easier for him/her get what he/she wants without much stress.