How To Choose A Good Business Partner


VIP Contributor
Business partnership is like marriage, if you get it right, it will make your life easier but if you marry the wrong partner, disaster will be short of defining what your life will turn into.

There are some businesses that really require a business partnership, most people make the mistake of choosing their friends as partners, which mostly don't end up well, friends are there for a reason, even if you divide roles you'll find out that you are putting in more work than your partner which can cause misunderstanding and problems.

When choosing a partner you want to choose someone that shares the same vision with you, someone that can see what you see, and is down 100% for the idea, it's either all in or never in, this can all be faked initially especially if the idea is promising or has started gaining traction.

You can find partners through different ways, we have AngelList, CoFounderLab and so many other ways, there are even Facebook groups that help in matchmaking founders.

It's also very important to be explicit about what you expect so that you'll hold each other accountable when any of you is short of expectation of the other.

Only seek a partnership when you really need It, In some businesses you're better off doing it alone.