How to clone apps on your phone


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Now adays we are in the computer era the days of button or keypad phones are gone we now have phones which runs on Android and iOS systems and has apps in it which makes dome work online to be easier but do you know there are some times when you will need the same type of app?? probaly because you want to work on different things on the same app for example you want to login to two Facebook accounts or yiu have two sim on your phone and you want to use two WhatsApp on your phone then you will need to clone the app.

Cloning an app does not mean the app will not function well its just like duplicating something it will be the same as the original so to duplicate an app you will have to go to the playstore on your phone or app store and download multi parallel app, this app is perfect for cloning of apps as it even separates the original from the cloned apps to make it easier to identify them.
Thanks for your useful information I have always wanted to have double of facebook lite on my phone in order to logging separate account on it and use them at the same time tank you for your useful information rbut I want to ask please do I have to register before I use the app??