How to create Advocates for your business


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Once you start getting those leads through those leads turn into clients, those clients turn into revenue and that completes the circle. However, you can keep that circle going by making sure that you over deliver with your clients making sure that they walk away feeling that they experience that they got through your brand was above and beyond what they thought they were going to get.
You should treat every single client like they are going to go away with a megaphone and speak to the world about your business and your brand and if you do that you will create advocates in waiting if you then incentive them to go out and speak about your business that will turn into leads.

There’s denying that the idea of getting new leads and trying to out there into a cold market and sell yourself is a little bit daunting but it’s easier than you think with inbound marketing today, with email automation, with the amount of things that you can do online to get the attention of your audience to give them value and to warm and nurture them before putting your core offer in front of them it’s a lot easier than you think.
You just need to identify the strategy that suits you and your business and then commit to it and that commitment will turn into leads and sales.