How To Get a Functional Blog in 8 Steps.


VIP Contributor
To make money from a blog, you have to ensure it's functioning well.
Here's how to get your blog functional and make money in return.

Understand What you are Selling
Firstly, understand what you're selling: your ability to create something of value for others.

Be an Expert
Secondly, become an expert in the topic area of your expertise

Market Yourself
You should market yourself so that others will pay you for your advice, consultation, or expertise.

Be convincing
Show that you know what you're talking about, have the authority to provide the information and advice required, and are willing to share it with others.

Be Patient
Be patient as you work on your blog, know that it takes gradual process to attain a greater height.

Be Consistent
Do not give up in your endeavors, certainly it will pay off someday.

Track your Stats
You should track your stats and measure results, this will encourage you and make you do more.

Be open to learn
Always learn from each piece of content you put out (content is king!): what worked? What didn't? Which parts were read more than others? What is resonating with your audience? What did they respond to most? To answer these questions is to know your audience better and this will help you satisfy them and keep them coming.