How To Get Rid of Dark Circles Permanently?


The eye area is one of the most sensitive areas on the face. It is an area that requires extra attention, which is why women have been looking for ways to get rid of dark circles permanently for years.
While some people believe that dark circles are hereditary, there are a number of reasons as to why certain individuals develop them.

The dark circles under your eyes are not a genetic flaw or something that you have to live with for the rest of your life. In fact, they are a type of discoloration caused by blood vessels and are entirely treatable. Here's how:

Step 1: With a clean cotton ball and apple cider vinegar, apply the vinegar to the dark circles in a circular motion.

Step 2: As you do that, take a bath using the following ingredients: epsom salt + baking soda + lavender oil

Step 3: After 20 minutes, splash off any remaining water and apply castor oil around your eye area.

Step 4: Now sleep overnight with an egg white on your eyelid and cucumber slices on your eyes.

Step 5: Repeat these steps three days in a row.