How to get your children excited about IT


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If you're planning on getting your children into the world of technology, you're going to need to get them excited about it. Here are some tips for getting your kids interested in IT:

Be realistic about the skills they'll need. If you want your kids to become programmers or IT professionals, start by showing them how things work in the real world. It's not enough to know how to type — they need to know how to use a computer and its programs. In addition, they should be exposed to business and social computing as well as technical applications.

Teach by example. When you're teaching by example, you'll get better results than when you just tell them what they should do. For example, if they want a particular program that doesn't exist yet but can be downloaded from the internet, show them how it works and let them try it out themselves! If they want an online course at school but don't know where to start, show them how it works with an online course at home.

Give them a chance. It's hard for kids to understand computers; many adults have trouble learning how everything works together because of this same problem.