How to grow taller

The first thing on the mind of any short person you encounter may probably be, how can I grow even an inch taller?
This is mostly as a result of the intimidation short people suffer and are always under pressure to resist that or get trampled upon as ants
So how can I grow taller?
Well, there's no clear way out towards growing tall scientifically. At times persons become short naturally due to the shortness gene that was passed on to them from their parents or ancestors.
But quick ways which one can follow to grow better include:
Taking of balanced diet: the body's requirement for food types is varying and does not just need carbohydrates alone or protein to function and grow properly
It needs All the food groups what we call balanced diet
Supplements which are obtained from veggies and fruits are also important
Minerals as well are very integral for proper growth.
Avoid taking too much and so less of the body's requirement of a particular food type

Exercising regularly also keeps the body in good shape and processes everything as expected
Keep it at the back of your mind that some shortness is a natural phenomenon and cannot be so to say cured or ended in any way