How To Handle Hard Customers


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There is a quote that said 'Customer is King' and there is another that goes 'Customer is always right'.

These quotes are easy to read on the surface level but if we dig deeper you'll find out that it's not really true, customer can't be right always, they're not angels, they're human beings too and they can make mistakes.

When running a business you'll encounter some people that just want to make it difficult for you, if you found yourself in these situation, how can you own it.

1) Look at the problem objectively, don't rush in making decisions, assess the problem in hand and understand whose fault it is don't be quick to judge.

2) Resolve amicably, most difficult customers are just looking for ways to resolve their problem, in this case, you can politely resolve it and still maintain your relationship with your customers.

3) Fire them, if a customer has proven to be stubborn over time you can fire them and tell them not to come back again, in no point should you use abusive or insultive language towards them, make sure you keep an air of professionalism.

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