How to Identify an Original Honey

Honey has been used for thousands of years in various forms, primarily as a sweetener. There are several different types of honey depending on the source of the nectar and geographic location, which can impart specific flavors and health benefits. It may be difficult to distinguish between original and counterfeit honey, but there are several ways that you can identify pure honey.

Raw honey is generally free of any unpleasant or odd smells. However, if it is heated or processed in any way, it may smell burnt or fermenting. If your honey smells like this, it is probably not real.

Pure honey will have a range of colors depending on the flowers from which the bees collected the nectar. The color is also an indication of how diluted it is with water. Heated honey will appear darker than raw pure honey and may have caramelized undertones.

Because pure raw honey has not been heated or processed in any way, it should retain its natural texture as a liquid syrup. If your honey has crystallized, this indicates that it was processed with heat and is no longer raw. A viscous texture indicates pure raw honey because water was evaporated out of it naturally by the bees before they stored it in the hive.

Thickening ability
Take a bit of honey in a glass and put it in the freezer. If after 30 minutes the honey thickens, then it's real. But if it doesn't thicken, then it's time to go back to the store and ask for your money back. Because you've been ripped off!

Shake the honey. If it has bubbles in it, it's fake.

Check The Ingredient
Next, check the ingredient label for anything other than honey. High fructose corn syrup may have been added to the honey as a sweetener or preservative, so if you see this ingredient listed on the label, it's likely not pure honey.
Thank you for your post is so useful because it will help people to detect the original honey from the fake ones. Because honey business is lucrative nowadays, bad people are also trying day in and day out to make fake honey to sell. I was so surprised when I heard that people uses Styrofoam to make honey. Styrofoams honey? How is that possible?
Yes everything is possible on some continents and this is no doubt.

But through you post, a person will get to know how original honey looks like and I know this will save someone from danger one day. Imagine you are to use honey to make something and you fall into this wicked trap. That will be another great problem that you have fallen into . I will once again say than you for your useful post.
Thanks for this useful information and I believe that it will really help a lot.
One can also know the original through some other means like; when you deep matches inside it and light it up .If the matches light them its a real honey but if not then its a fake honey adulterated one.
Second thing to do is that; when you pour it on the floor and insect did not come near it then it is good and real but if you see that insect is on it that means that it's fake.
Honey is a rich natural sweetness.
Raw honey has been used a remedy throughout history, it is often marketed as a healthy alternative to sugar. Has more than a whole lot of health benefits; it's rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron.
Honey can be used to cure diseases like throat infection, tuberculosis, wounds, eczema, constipation, hepatitis, ulcer, ashma and many more ailments.
It is often used as food supplements too.

It is used for preparing snacks, and like I said earlier it is used by some people mostly the elderlies as an alternative for sugar in meals
Thanks for your contributions @Sikapa and @Mataracy. Pure honey is useful for several health treatments as it is used as one of the key ingredients, in creams, herbs etc especially in Africa, Nigeria precisely. I had been victim of buying fake honey despite the high cost of it. This made me research deeply on how to identify an original honey. I'm glad this post helped you as much as it helped me too.