How to Impress Search Bots and Human Readers


VIP Contributor
In order to build traffic you need to impress search algorithm (or search bots) and human visitors.

Cover the topic in depth: Human visitors on your site come to read the content, you need to provide value to the topic you are covering. There should be new information, an interesting fact, etc. You can offer value only by covering the topic in depth. Try to use insights, infographics, and original data. Provide answers to all questions that visitors are asking. Research your competitors’s content and try to make your content better. When visitors like your content, they will stay longer on your site, they might even share your article. This will prompt the search bots to push your content higher.

Update your content: Updating content means adding new information, removing outdated information. This will make your content relevant and pull new traffic. You also need to publish new content on your site. Search bots like the websites that provide fresh content.
If you really want to impress search bots and human visitors put full information in your content also always add new contents to your blog as people might check your blog for new posts.

Make sure your posts get indexed by Google so as to reach many people and get traffic to your blog do keyword research before creating an article.
The success of your website mainly lies in the ability to draw traffic. When you have traffic, revenue will automatically follow. If you can impress search bots, your website will rank high on search engines, when the website is ranked high, your website will appear on search results, and people who performed a search might click on your website link. If you impressed the search bots with your website, you will also impress human readers to visit your website. This also works another way around. You promote on social sites, people visit your site and like the content, and then they share on other platforms, your content gets good engagements, and the search bots will be impressed. If you can impress human readers, will also be able to impress search bots. The basic of generating traffic is how you pitch your website, what marketing platform you use to pitch your website, and what kind of content you are pitching.
In order to attract search bots you need to build high quality backlinks to your website. To attract readers you need to create some eye catching content.