How to lose fat without losing muscle?


New member
Having muscle mass helps you burn fat faster. Studies have shown that rapid weight loss results in greater muscle loss than gradual weight loss.
. Strong is the new skinny
Strength training in the form of weightlifting, yoga or other resistance equipment is a great way to reduce unhealthy abdominal fat (the fat that surrounds your organs), increase muscle mass and burn more calories at rest
2. HIIT me baby, again
High intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT exercises can help increase fat burning and reduce calories in less time than other exercises
3. Don't say "no" to cardio
Just 20 to 40 minutes a day of aerobic exercise, such as running, can help you jump-start fat loss.

4. Pour a refreshing glass (shot) of... vinegar?
Drinking 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar a day can help you cut extra calories and burn body fat by keeping you full.
5. Move (bleep), get the whey out
Add protein to your diet to burn more fat, reduce hunger and maintain muscle mass.


VIP Contributor
This is very important for many people to know because many people believe that with dieting one will or may loose weight along which many may not like. But with this your explanation one can easily redress. Many people are really looking for a way to reduce their faty body and want to be smart.