Earn Money How to Make Money as a Hobbyist Photographer?


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Hobbyist Photographer is not someone who is into photography to make money, instead, he is trying his hand son photography only for fund and pleasure. What if you as a hobbyist photographer could make some cool cash?

If you own a professional DSLR camera, if you have photography skills, and if you are passionate about photography, you can turn your photography hobby into money-making activity.

Here are some ideas that can help you get started.

You can sell photographs on stock photography websites or digital photography marketplaces.

You can write tutorials and publish them on blogs or create tutorial videos.

You can work as a freelance photographer.

You can provide your services in the events in your neighborhood (wedding anniversary of your neighbors) or your family events (your cousin’s wedding, for example), etc.
Gone are the days when photography is not lucrative. These days, photography is more lucrative than many of the so called lucrative works. I read about a guy who learnt photography when he was in school and it was so good that now, he has been appointed as private photographer to my president.
You don't need a DSLR to become a photographer and make money from your photographs. I have a smartphone and I use my smartphone pictures on my ad campaigns. No one has complained about my photograph qualities. I am yet to sell my pictures but my photography hobby has helped me to make money
These days mobile handsets are as expensive as DSLR. Some mobile handsets are even more expensive than DSLR. For example, I can buy 2 DSLR along with camera accessories like a lens, tripods, etc. for the money that can buy me one Flip phone from Samsung. If you are using such high end devices, you don't need DSLR>
There is more to photography that makes it very lucrative. There is need to latest technique that are required of a good photographer. There should be latest software to edit and makes pictures appealing to the eyes. And it is better to be a nature photographer or even shooting for models.
These days mobile handsets are as expensive as DSLR. Some mobile handsets are even more expensive than DSLR. For example, I can buy 2 DSLR along with camera accessories like a lens, tripods, etc. for the money that can buy me one Flip phone from Samsung. If you are using such high end devices, you don't need DSLR>
I understand, I was just checking the price of the latest iPhone and figured out that an iPhone cost more than Nikon DSLR with all the necessary equipment like lens, tripod, lights etc. Since you are spending a lot of money on a simple handset, you also get a high quality photos from these camera phones.
I understand, I was just checking the price of the latest iPhone and figured out that an iPhone cost more than Nikon DSLR with all the necessary equipment like lens, tripod, lights etc. Since you are spending a lot of money on a simple handset, you also get a high quality photos from these camera phones.
Technically speaking professional cameras are for professionals, if you are a professional photographer, get a DSLR. High-end mobile devices can be used by hobbyist photographers or even the general public to create good pictures and sell those pictures online. Selling pictures online is not easy though (because everyone owns a cell phone and they all are photographer)
Unless you are a National Geographic photographer, you don't require heavy equipment to make money as a photographer. A hand held device can be more than enough. One of the major benefits of using mobile devices for taking pictures is you can use apps to edit your photo and start posting your photos straight from your phone.
I like this discussion very much because I am a hobbyist photographer. When my aunt celebrated their golden wedding, I took videos and pictures. On the day after my cousin asked if my pictures are good because the photographer they hired is experiencing technical problems. I gave the pictures and videos for free even if my cousin was offering payment.
If you can take good pictures, you can sell them through digital image marketplace like istock. You can also try selling your photographs on Fine Art America. It might be difficult to get a photography contract and earn from photography, but you can of course sell your photographs online of offline.