How to make money by hawking


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Hawking usually refers to selling goods or services on the streets or in public places. If you want to make money through hawking, Start by identifying a product or service that is in demand. You can research what people are looking for in your local area, or you can identify a gap in the market that you can fill.

Once you have identified a product or service, find a reliable supplier. If you're selling physical goods, you'll need to find a supplier that can provide you with the goods at a good price. If you're providing a service, you'll need to find a way to offer it effectively and efficiently.make sure you have the necessary permits and licenses to operate in your area. This may include a street vendor license, business license, or food vendor permit.
Choose a location where you can set up your stand or table. A good location should be visible, accessible, and have a lot of foot traffic. And advertise your goods or services to attract customers. You can use flyers, posters, or word of mouth to promote your business.
Be professional and provide excellent customer service. This will help you build a reputation and attract repeat customers.Price your goods or services competitively, but don't forget to make a profit.

Remember, hawking can be a challenging business, but with hard work, determination, and a little bit of luck, it can also be a great way to make money.

Be open to new ideas and be willing to change your product or service if necessary.Keep your overhead costs low by using minimal equipment and keeping your inventory small and also offer discounts or promotions to attract customers and increase sales.
Keep your hawking area clean and tidy to make a good impression on customers.

Treat your customers well and provide excellent customer service. This will help you build a positive reputation and encourage repeat business and offer a variety of payment options, such as cash, credit cards, and mobile payments.
Hawking can a good business idea based on what you are selling, how and where. It is not the easiest or nicest job around though, infact, many people will consider it demeaning to do.

You will be facing rejection multiple times a day, you will move around so much and you must go to work everyday.

To make the best out of this, go for things that have consistent and considerable demand, like foods items or refreshments. Location is important too. You can't hawk in a exotic neighborhood and expect money. Marketplaces are best for this. Some people also modernize or look for ways to make themselves stand out, maybe by dressing differently.
Hawking is a very great business but it may have more challenges than the benefits. However the following tips can help one to make it with it.

A successful hawking business is developed by one's character traits. However the following traits is a must have for each and every hawker who would like to make the most out of the business

- Hawkers must be polite and honesty.
By this virtue the businessmen, can provide a reliable information about the products they sell.

-They must be convincing and persuasive
This is in the sense that they must be in a position to use a sweet language to convince a potential customer to buy the products without having planned for it.
The only way I can think of making money hawking is by getting other people to do it, you can only be at one place at a time, but if i can hire other people to hawk for me, I will be able to make a lot of money that way, I an get like 20 people to hawk fr me and payment will be based on the items they sell not the time they spend so that I will have some leverage.

But Hawking items yourself shows that you d not value your time and you will not make much, this is the reality of it, think of ways you can delegate it and count your money, if you live in my country, labor is very cheap and you will get to do a lot with less money, if you live in a major city, you will be able to get this done easily.