How To Make Money From Decentraland


VIP Contributor
Decentraland is a play-to-earn game that can help you earn a lot of money. Maybe calling Decentraland just a blockchain game is not enough, it is a metaverse where you can emulate real-life activities to make real-world money.

Go to (yes, it uses org extension, it is a decentralized platform with no central authority).

Click the “Get Started” button.

You will come across a new page. You have two options, one download on your computer, or continue on the browser. If you want to download on your computer, you need at least 4 GB RAM (preferably 8 GB RAM), Graphic Cards (preferably NVIDIA GT 730 or better), CPU i3 or better, or AMD equivalent).

If you choose to play Decentraland on your computer browser, you get two options, connect your wallet and play or continue as a guest.

Once you have created your account, you need 100 MANA and some ETH. The cost of one MANA is about $2.11.

Once everything is set, you can explore Decentraland and start making money from virtual activities.
It is very wonderful that you shared this wonderful information at this moment. I must confess that it is a very wonderful idea of making real cash online that one could take very seriously. I have the notion to explore the world of Metaverse and create a virtual assets for myself. It was anticipated that in the future , you could get the property of your dream, get the luxurious cars that you have been longing for on the metaverse world . This world of cryptography and blockchain is really going places and one cannot just be watching the fortune to go away from ones presence. Acting very fast to tap into the benefits that is embedded in the project isa very important thing that one must do right now. I will like to ask if the centraland has the mobile version? This will make the decentraland very handy game and much more easy to pay games to earn from. If it's available on the mobile, one will be able to explore the opportunity of making money with the sites anywhere you go and it will reach out to more people. So many platforms became very popular and also involved so many users because they created the mobile version.
I know Decentralnd, I have even tried it s a guest, however, spending 100 MANA, which is more than $200 according to the current value and this can be a heavy burden for most of the people because $200 is a lot of money to be invested in a game. Yes, you can buy LAND and resell LAND for higher profits (NFT), work on someone else's projects and earn tokens. However, crypto is a volatile market and the fiat value of your NFT and tokens might go down anytime and might never recover. The possibility of your tokens and NFT becoming worthless cannot be ruled out because this has happened multiple times in the past. In order to play Decentraland, you need a computer with a higher specs. Your ordinary working computer might not be good device to use decentraland. Therefore, I m not very hopeful about making money using decentraland. It is very risky to invest $200 to play a crupto gme when the crypto market itself is very volatile. However, if you have money to spare and can take risk, it can be a good way to earn metaverse tokens and earn from NFT market. I might try this some day