Business Ideas How to make money with geese farming


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Geese farming is becoming popular now though not as known as the chickens, turkeys or poultry birds etc but a lot of people are looking in their direction to make money with it and they are. Geese can be profitable in different ways as they are somewhat unique. Geese can be reared for eggs or meat or both.

So how can you make money from geese farming
You can sell them as meat as they are succulent, contains richer protein and is tastier than those of chickens and turkeys. So people are ready to buy. You can make money renting then out to Weed Grasses for people. Geese are herbivores So they consume a lot on weeds and grasses. They can do this on people's farm for money.

You can sell them for Industrial Uses. The feathers are used in making pillows and other upholstery. So you can sell them outrightly to make money. Sell the eggs too for money. They are a lot of people that love to eat geese eggs and would buy them.
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