How to make money with your second hand textbooks


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This chance is not meant for everyone though, but you can actually go through it for the sake of knowledge, it is for students. In Nigerian schools today, both government and private, textbooks has become of the expenses that is mandatory for every child to buy, they claim that it makes the students more brilliant and because it is very much comprehensive compared to the notes written on the lecture board, even in some tertiary institutions, they still enforce students to buy textbooks and if they fail to do so, they will surely fail their examination in that particular course. Mind you it also cost money, so how does it feel to buy it then use it for just a year and after that, it tends to be useless because you are never going to need it again. Instead of disposing it, why don’t you find a way to turn it into money by selling them off, although, you might not be able to make as much money as the original amount you bought it for, but at least you don’t get to lose out totally by not getting anything back in return. You can just post it some social media platform and other online stores to help you make the sales and even if you have any student that is your junior, you could offer to sell it to him or her at a cheaper rate, I am sure such person will be interested in buying it.