How to make money with your Talents


Active member
On this thread I will be discussing on how you can make money with your talent
So this thread is to compliment highly talented people like Artists, instrumentalists and all sorts of talented people
Even thought I am yet to discover my talent and am still praying and hoping to God to reveal my talent so I can dwell and earn money with him
To the super talented people try and learn more about your Talents go for classes and watch YouTube videos
A friend of who is a talented drummer went for a 6 month class to improve on himself now he gets paid for each show he goes and he charges two thousand five hundred for each show he goes and at least he goes to to show every weekends which is Friday Saturday and Sundays so make sure you tap money from your talent
So guys what is your talent and are you making money out of it
U can make money with ur talent by,Believing in yourself,cause its what you are best in doing,after believing in yourself show case what u have got in a unique way besides its a unique nature u have
Make plans on improving yourself and don't look down on yourself
Also make people belief in your talents and hence you will be patronized massively
Talent concerns the abilities, skills and expertise that determine what a person can do. Talent can make people lazy because they need to rely less on hard work to achieve the same goal. Hard work helps people compensate for lower levels of talent, which is why it's quite helpful to be aware of one's limitations. Improve on ur talent and create awareness of such abilities.
One of the easiest ways you can make money is by doing what you love doing. Talent can be simply regarded and see what you find very easy and confident to do. You can make money singing, you can also make money dancing. All these are talents. There are several people wasting their talents. In everything you do if you do not hard hard work and smart work you won't succeed because there is a famous saying that hard work beats talent.
Talent concerns the abilities, skills and expertise that determine what a person can do. Talent can make people lazy because they need to rely less on hard work to achieve the same goal. Hard work helps people compensate for lower levels of talent, which is why it's quite helpful to be aware of one's limitations. Improve on ur talent and create awareness of such abilities. Look for areas where there is a demand for your talent. Dont be too hard to reach. Be affordable
As far as one is talented then his/her talents can be monetized. One would typically need a manager to manger him/her and also the finances. Most talented people have poor financial management skills that is why some celebrities go broke after getting huge sums of money in the past. Monetizing ones talent shouldn't be the goal , the goal should be inspiring people with your talents and money can come on the way.
Talents are things you can do naturally which may be used to increase your income. One thing is most important is to be skillful. Even though talents are natural, there is still a place of training and retraining so you can understand how it can be used to make money. The training makes you to be better at what you do and open opportunities to meet people of same goals and vision.
There are so many ways to make money and one of them is using your talent. Though so many persons have these talents but finds it difficult to use them due to fear or lack of believing in what they can do. Once you know your talent, the first thing to do is to sell yourself show people what you can do because if you keep hiding your talent no one will notice them
Back in the days talents were really appreciated,but as it turns out people can master talents because it's an art on its own. If I have a talent of playing football what's the probability that I will be successful,the passion and zeal might be there but if there is no opportunity,it's good as making do with what you have.
These days because there is no job in the country most people tend to make it with their talents and the actualize their dreams. However making it with your talent pays more presently in Nigeria those who are going into same as cinematography, acting, even musicians they make it so well and they are very rich due to their artistic work which they have put out there keep selling them and it keep making more money.
discover your talent and make very good use of them ,develop them and find a way of making them very special .most talented people fail to understand that Talent can be similar but they need to be differentiated and that is why you need to develop it very well in order to be a very hot cake ,indeed you will be be paid paidto show show your talent.
According to my own point of view there are many ways to make money with your talent all you have to do is to be creative program yourself very well get a place start up something with your talents and I believe as time goes on you will begin to end more than enough for me talent. If you have a talent in a job I suggest you get your own open the shop and beginning to work on your talents as time goes on you will begin to get income