How To Manage Debt Stress: 13 Tips To Help


Managing debt stress can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be. Here are 13 tips for dealing with debt stress:

1. Keep Track of Your Debt Progress

2. Don't Overwhelm Yourself With To-Do Lists

3. Don't Give Yourself More Than 24 Hours To Get Things Done (It's a Trap!)

4. Set Goals And Reward Yourself For Successful Meetings With Your Debt Counselor

5. Take Time To Reflect On What You've Learned About Yourself And Your Finances

6. Don't Compare Yourself With Others Who Have Taken On More Debt Than You Have (It's Not Fair)

7. Don't Let Fear Of Failure Or Disappointment Stop You From Taking Action!

8. Make a budget and stick to it.

9. Don't spend more than you earn!

10. Make sure your bills are paid on time, even if it means getting creative with how you pay them (for example, using your credit card only when absolutely necessary).

11. Don't take on any more debt than what's reasonable for your situation. you can always pay it off later if necessary!

12. Take a break. It's easy to get caught up in the stress of debt, but it's important to take a break from your situation every once in a while. It can be as simple as taking an afternoon off or going on vacation, but even just sitting down and reading a book can help you unwind and think about what you're doing instead of just what's happening around you.

13. Talk with someone who understands. Sometimes it's hard to talk about your debts with others because they may not understand what they mean for you and how they affect your life but if there's anyone who gets it, it's someone who has been through something similar themselves! Having someone who understands what it feels like to carry debt will help you see things from their perspective so that when you do talk about them again later on down the road, it'll be easier for both of y'all (and maybe even easier for future conversations).