How to manage the risk of robbery in a POS business.


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It is common knowledge that POS businesses are often targeted and robbed because they usually carry lots of money they use for their transactions. It can be completely traumatizing if you get robbed of a major part of your business capital. What can one do to avoid incidences of robbery while running the POS business?

A tip I can give is that anyone operating the business should endeavor to close early. I know it is tempting to want to stay late considering that some people close businesses in the evening and might want want to deposit their earnings for the day. I would suggest that when it is dark and you have to stay, you should only carry limited amounts of money. The previous capital and earnings should be deposited in the bank. This would minimize the risk of you losing a huge chunk of your capital in case of a robbery attack. If a big transaction comes in the evening, you can use your atm to withdraw and meet up with the transaction.