How to minimize the amount spent on school fees for kids.


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One of the things every reasonable parent prioritizes is the quality of school his/ her children attend. Also, school fees are one of the biggest expenditures parents make regularly. How can one work his/ her way to control the amount he/she spends on school fees to a reasonable ceiling? The first thing I would say here is that expensive schools don't always equate to the quality of academics.

The first tip to keeping the school fees expenses low is to send your kids to public schools. These schools are cheap if not even free. I understand the consensus that public schools are not well managed and the teaching is poor. The truth is that few public schools are well-run and up to standard. You can send your child to those.

The second option is to consider sending your children to mission schools. Most mission schools are not profit-oriented and this makes the school fees very affordable. I think with these two approaches, you can reduce your bill on school fees for your kids.