How to mining bitcoins


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Mining Bitcoin or mining Bitcoin is like mining gold. Mining can be done with computers and software on Bitcoin mining servers.
To mine Bitcoin, miners need very powerful computers, large amounts of electricity, and super fast internet. Later, the computer will run the software that connects the miners to the Bitcoin block chain and solves mathematical problems.
For those of you who are beginners and want to learn to mine Bitcoin, the following coil summarizes 4 easy ways to mine Bitcoin.

1. Pool Mining
The first way you can try is mining in a mining pool. You just need to join forces with other miners in a pool to mine Bitcoin. Later, the rewards obtained from mining Bitcoin will be divided equally according to the number of miners in the pool.

2. Cloud Mining
Cloud mining is a bitcoin mining method that does not require sophisticated computers. You can use cloud mining provider services such as genesis mining.

3. Solo Mining
Solo mining is an alternative way for those of you who don't want to share rewards. However, you must provide sophisticated equipment such as PCs, motherboards, graphics cards, hard drives, RAM, and so on.
You also have to provide a large amount of electricity and solve complex mathematical algorithms to generate Bitcoins.​
I don't think mining is still profitable as far as I know. If it were to be the period that Bitcoin just came into existence I would say it was profitable to mine. Now, the Bitcoin that's left to be mine is not as much as it used to be and we used to have these big miners in China and some other countries that mining are paying for because after solving computer equations, with use of their heavy rigs, they will be rewarded.

So, for low time miners, I don't think it's payable.