Earn Money How to monetize your YouTube channel quickly


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The the question that comes to the minds many YouTube channel owners is " how do I monetize my YouTube channel quickly and start making money". Like I have said before I have a mentor who monetized his YouTube channel in one month and currently he has over 10,000 subscribers within the period of 6 months. This is no fluke but a fact. There are some methods you can employ in order to monetize your YouTube channel within a very short period of time.
Choose a niche: choosing a very good niche and go a long way in helping you monetize your YouTube channel quickly. Some of the best niches in YouTube are; make money online niche, health niche, Celebrities and entertainment.
Create quality videos: if your video is interesting and of a good quality people will definitely like to watch it.
What was the niche of your friend / mentor who monetized his YouTube channel in just one month and gained 10k subscribers within 6 months?
I would also like to ask how much he is making after monetizing so fast? Are his followers really visiting his videos?

@AmaliaTG Now most of the countries, even 2nd and 3rd tier have these features.
His niche is make money online. I don't really know how much he makes but I know he is making money. He is someone I met online around January this year and I have been following him since then. He uses SEO in most of his videos and he teaches affiliate marketing and other kinds of online money making.
When I uploaded the video that I made for a radio station the link was shared in their website. Radio station DZRH has the radio drama. The video showed how they do the drama on radio which is very interesting to the listeners. That video earned me a good number of viewers to reach the 1,000 subscribers requirement for monetization.
I asked for name, not for link; links are only allowed if it is helpful for Trendri and member both.
Thanks for the name. Next time please name when you create thread.
So @AmaliaTG , it is African Giants, not Daniel hustle. There are many more vloggers on youtube. for same topics, this is why we do not understand when creator hide the name.
But that topic is about shortcut and creator claims his mentor has successful shortcut.
Now I think he should name his mentor so we can check that how he tricked or if there was not really a shortcut?

The idea of Unique topic is not much interesting, people do not search of something that they do not know.
The name of the YouTube channel is African Giants make money online. If you search it on Google you will easily see him, I could have sent the link here but I don't know if it is allowed. You can check out his videos and the dates and see for yourself. one thing I realised is that make money online YouTube channels always get a lot views and subscription because there are a lot of people looking to make money online.
There is no shortcut to success, you need to work hard.
But that topic is about shortcut and creator claims his mentor has successful shortcut.
Now I think he should name his mentor so we can check that how he tricked or if there was not really a shortcut?

f your videos are on topics that are already popular, your videos will never be found on youtube. You need to be very unique.
The idea of Unique topic is not much interesting, people do not search of something that they do not know.
I think you will have to avoid saturated niches like health, celebrities, etc. If your videos are on topics that are already popular, your videos will never be found on youtube. You need to be very unique. Just like your topic needs to be unique, your video should also be interesting. There is no shortcut to success, you need to work hard.
His niche is make money online. I don't really know how much he makes but I know he is making money. He is someone I met online around January this year and I have been following him since then. He uses SEO in most of his videos and he teaches affiliate marketing and other kinds of online money making.
There are many people doing this strategy and making good money by attracting online earners to learn from their videos. I just searched your quote "how do I monetize my YouTube channel quickly and start making money" I find there are many people presenting videos.

@AmaliaTG he is a young one, I thought some older guy would be.
Those tips quite good to do in order to growth you tube channel. For me the best way to get our channel monetize quicker it's we should always aware of SEO before posting our video. Because when we create a good SEO our video will easily get more views. Another thing also we should choose the right title and description.​
His niche is make money online. I don't really know how much he makes but I know he is making money. He is someone I met online around January this year and I have been following him since then. He uses SEO in most of his videos and he teaches affiliate marketing and other kinds of online money making.
Are you talking about Daniel hustle? If not then tell me who. I know of Daniel hustle who makes good make money videos and is so passionate about it. He has really grown rapidly using his make money niches and I also follow his videos and he has even expand his experience by creating his own online course( I haven't bought it yet because I know about this online things) to teach people how to make money by affiliate marketing and I was shocked that even 1tier one countries follow him. Anyways he grow that much because his local people supported him and he was able to be featured by YouTube for more exposure of his content to the world.
I don't know about your region, but in India people have access to Internet even in rural areas. During Covid lockdown, Internet become more popular and it is cheap due to Modi Government policy and Mukesh Ambani's business competition.

@lamia5765 Now I understood; paid promotion done by a celebrity will become his/her fans to like/subscribe and watch.
What was the niche of your friend / mentor who monetized his YouTube channel in just one month and gained 10k subscribers within 6 months?
I would also like to ask how much he is making after monetizing so fast? Are his followers really visiting his videos?

@AmaliaTG Now most of the countries, even 2nd and 3rd tier have these features.
If for example your channel is sponsored by a famous actor or singer let's say you make youtube content but you involve with you a famous actor or singer as sponsor then followers of this actor or singer may also be interested on following your youtube channel because they are interested with what he or she is doing online, this is for example one trick to attract followers rapidly. But not any youtube owner can have this possibility because it really cost.
The the question that comes to the minds many YouTube channel owners is " how do I monetize my YouTube channel quickly and start making money". Like I have said before I have a mentor who monetized his YouTube channel in one month and currently he has over 10,000 subscribers within the period of 6 months. This is no fluke but a fact. There are some methods you can employ in order to monetize your YouTube channel within a very short period of time.
Choose a niche: choosing a very good niche and go a long way in helping you monetize your YouTube channel quickly. Some of the best niches in YouTube are; make money online niche, health niche, Celebrities and entertainment.
Create quality videos: if your video is interesting and of a good quality people will definitely like to watch it.
Quality traffic to your youtube videos is the lifeblood. It is not easy to make money online with youtube. Check this link out if you want traffic to your youtube channel.
What was the niche of your friend / mentor who monetized his YouTube channel in just one month and gained 10k subscribers within 6 months?
I would also like to ask how much he is making after monetizing so fast? Are his followers really visiting his videos?

@AmaliaTG Now most of the countries, even 2nd and 3rd tier have these features.
@Yugocean yes we do have this features but it's never really a necessity or compulsory to our countries like the 1st tier. So it's hard to find people online most of them time. Very few percentage are online. You should one day visit this counties and see what I am talking about. Most people who have this features are in urban towns or campus students. And not everyone has smartphones or laptop. So I know what I am saying when I specify about lack of support for your local country cannot make YouTube logalithim to feature any of your videos. Same case with tiktok or the rest of the social media. Your country has to support you first for you to be featured worldwide by any social media.
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choosing a very good niche and go a long way in helping you monetize your YouTube channel quickly.
What was the niche of your friend / mentor who monetized his YouTube channel in just one month and gained 10k subscribers within 6 months?
I would also like to ask how much he is making after monetizing so fast? Are his followers really visiting his videos?

@AmaliaTG Now most of the countries, even 2nd and 3rd tier have these features.
The the question that comes to the minds many YouTube channel owners is " how do I monetize my YouTube channel quickly and start making money". Like I have said before I have a mentor who monetized his YouTube channel in one month and currently he has over 10,000 subscribers within the period of 6 months. This is no fluke but a fact. There are some methods you can employ in order to monetize your YouTube channel within a very short period of time.
Choose a niche: choosing a very good niche and go a long way in helping you monetize your YouTube channel quickly. Some of the best niches in YouTube are; make money online niche, health niche, Celebrities and entertainment.
Create quality videos: if your video is interesting and of a good quality people will definitely like to watch it.
Yeah all those strategies are good and can really work, but remember in most of 1st tier countries, having smartphone and internet is a compassary thing to them. So they always succeed do much on YouTube simple because everyone have access to internet and people spend time on YouTube more than the other countries, and if YouTube Alogarithim is not going to see your channel supported by your own country, then youtube is not going to feature you in the search bar or worldwide. I think this is the biggest reason most 2nd and 3rd tier are not monitized lack of this internet necessity. Not that people can't be able to be monitized but YouTube will feature your videos and make you been seen worldwide only if you are supported by people in your demographics. Its hard to manage in youtube without support.
The only way you can monetize your YouTube channel faster is to look for a way to get the type of content people will be very interested to watch so as to increase your watch hour to the required hour expected of you to monetize your channel . And at the same time when people watch these your content and find it interesting they will also be compelled to subscribe to your YouTube channel as it is among the most important thing you will need to apply for monetization.

Posting high-quality content and what people need is the only way to do this easily.