How to optimise your content?


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Use a SEO !
A SEO ( Search Engine Optimisation) is a tool for your website.

It helps you to:

• Find the right keyword for referencing

• See SERP for any location

• Track your ranking

• Fond powerful backlinks

• Check competitor’s website authority

If you want to know some more about SEO or to know what SEO I recommend, let me know in private messages 😊
The process of optimising your content for search engines (seo) starts with identifying the keywords you want to be found for. This can be done by searching for your own site and looking at the keywords that come up on the search engine results page (SERP). You can also use a tool such as Google's Adwords Keyword Tool or SEMRush to find out what keywords are being used in searches by people looking for products like yours.

Once you have identified your target keyword, it is important to ensure that it appears in the title tag of your page. The title tag is one of the most important elements when it comes to seo, because it acts as an indicator of what content users will see when they click on a link on Google.

The meta description is another vital component of seo. It appears below each result when someone does a search and provides a short summary of what your page is about. This means that if someone sees two similar pages come up in their search results, they will often choose the one with a more convincing meta description over its competitor.
If you're looking to optimise your content for SEO, then it's important to understand how Google works.

The basics of search engine optimisation
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of making a website work better on search engines. The goal is to increase the number of visitors who arrive at your site through a search engine. This guide explains the basics of SEO and how to use it effectively.

What do websites need to be 'SEO-friendly'? To be found by search engines, a website needs to be:

Accessible: Search engines can't find pages that are not linked to from other sites on the web or from other sources like social media or even from backlinks on another site that you own.

Unique: All websites should have unique content; duplicate content makes it harder for search engines to find the version with original material.

Mobile friendly: Mobile devices are more popular than ever before and their usage continues to grow year-on-year. It's important that your site is responsive and easy to navigate as this will positively affect your ranking in Google's mobile index.