How to prevent cholera


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Cholera is a very deadly disease Which when not taken care of can get worse or even cause death.cholera is caused due to taking of dirt substance and when you consume dirt it can cause bacteria to enter the to prevent bacteria for instance when you cook and you are not ready to eat the food cover it because when you leave it opened it can cause bacteria to enter the body.also before drinking water always try to always check the water you drink because bacteria can also pass through drinking of dirty water.for those drinking well water or bore hole water try to Clean it by adding chlorine and you can also boiling the water before drinking just to reduce the risk of having bacteria.
Cholera is a bad disease that can spread if not well contain or taking care of.
To be save from cholera one need to make the surroundings or environment clean and look okay.
Cholera according to the history had killed so many people mainly because they do not care full on how they handled things around them . some times people are very ignorance of there environment to the extent that many of the will be pouring refuse and even putting soak away closely to where they are cooking which is very bad and can cause cholera which can as well lead to death if no proper care is taking.
Cholera can be prevented by making sure our environment are clean and what we are using to prepare our food is hygienic and also make sure to wash our hands Regularly
Cholera can be prevented by making sure that what we drink or eat are healthy and prepared in a healthy way
I'll just advise people to avoid the use of contaminated water because this are the Carrier of chlorea and other dangerous disease and infection, it is advised that every water we are taking into our body should be treated or boil to 100 degrees before drinking, this can kill dangerous germs.