How to prevent criminal trespassing of business/office premises


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In some posh areas of the town where I live, citizens find that people have entered their business/mailing address without their permission, when they were not present. In some cases, the doors are left open, while in other cases some items are moved or robbed. These are low value items, so the police will not register a complaint. The citizen will change the door lock repeatedly, use the best lock available, still the criminal trespassers manage to enter the house when the property owner is away . Some are saying that security agencies are giving some of the neighbours master keys to the house after taking bribes or because they are relatives, so that they can fake ownership of the house to commit banking fraud, get a government job. This makes it risky to keep valuable items in the property.
What is the best way to prevent criminal trespassing of business property without the help of the corrupt security agencies?


VIP Contributor
From your post, it shows the security agents too are conniving with these criminals in order to perpetuate this evils. What you only need to do in that scenario is to ask for police help in the said area or they install cctv camera to monitor the activites around the area.

Good luck

Verified member
The issue of security is a serious issue that needs attention from every angle.It is so sad after building your door with heavy appliances,criminals will still find their way to your house which means that they are using a special instruments that is not known to door builder since we are in a jet Age.CCTV is also a good idea of security measures.


Verified member
In this case, the police are allegedly getting bribes or are related to those who are involved in criminal trespassing, so they are not likely to help. Here I have been told that police will usually not bother to investigate cases where the loss is less than $750 since they have more important cases.


The best way to prevent criminal trespassing of your business or office premises is to make sure that you put in place a security system. You can also install a lock on the door so that no one can enter without your permission.

You can also install an alarm system in your office premises along with cameras and motion sensors. This will enable you to see who is entering your building and if they are doing something suspicious. This is an effective way of preventing criminal trespassing because it helps you keep a track of people entering your premises without your permission.

You can also install a door chain lock on the main entrance door of your business or office premises so that no one can enter without being accompanied by someone who has been given access by you beforehand. This ensures that only those people who are authorized by you will be able to enter your premises at any given time of day or night without having to worry about anyone else trying to do so while they are inside it!