How to prevent tuberculosis


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1. We should make sure we cover our mouth while sneezing, coughing or laughing with a tissue or handkerchief because just a little droplet release into the air can make the person around you to also contact the infection
2. Wear a face make when you are around those that are infected during their first three weeks of being treated so as to lessen the risk of the transmission
3. Stay at home don't bother going to work, or even sleep in a room with other people so as not to infect those that are there most especially during the first week of treatments
4. Always make sure there is ventilation because germs are able to spread easily when then there is no ventilation
Tuberculosis is one of the infection that kills quickly. In the world, it is rated number two most deadly disease. This is because it kills faster as it affects the breathing of the victims. We need to mind what we eat and stay away from the victims because it is an airborne disease.
Tuberculosis is a deadly disease we should make sure follow all the precautions so as not to get infected too
We should always make sure that where we are is having ventilation because when everywhere is congested it increases the risk of developing tuberculosis
You should be careful with how close you are with someone that is infected with the disease so that you won't have it as well
We should prevent being too close with someone that has tuberculosis and also avoid sharing personal stuff with that person
Tuberculosis can be prevented if we maintain distance with someone that has the disease so that you won't get infected either