How to safely choose your friends at your new work place


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When you start work at a new place, it is natural to feel a bit nervous. You are likely to meet new people and make some new friends, which can be a great help in keeping your spirits high. However, there are certain things you should keep in mind while choosing your friends at your new workplace:

First, try to avoid being too close to the people who are already close with each other. This will only lead to conflicts between them and you as well as jealousy among others. You should also avoid getting involved with coworkers who do not seem like good friends or whose personalities do not match yours.

Second, make sure that you know their names and faces before forming strong friendships with them. This will help prevent misunderstandings later on down the line when they might have trouble remembering your name or face.

Third, if you want to be buddies with someone from another department or even from another part of the country, be sure that both parties agree on this arrangement before starting anything physical (e.g., hanging out together socially). Try getting along first before getting into any romantic relationships. Finally, if possible try learning about their interests before rolling with them.