How to save money.


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Saving money is all about keeping or investing money for future use. Saving money can be done in various ways, either to bring more money or just keep it somewhere for future use. Saving money can be done through banks,phones and even home made banks. Banks are made in such a way that when you save your money for a long period of time it generates a commission. On my side it is also more secured way to save money.

Money can also be saved through investments, how? Money invested in a business can generate you more income and multiple rather than keeping or freezing the money. It also helps your earn an extra income and it good compared to keeping or banking the money.

Another way is you can decide to lend your money to someone then when he or she is returning your money gives you with extra as a commission. This will buy you some time not to use the money anyhow. You can also open a locked savings account. This account you can keep alot if restrictions plus after how long you will need your money. So you should set the exactly time or year that you will need your money. This will help you manage or save the money without using it because human beings we have alot of endless problems and needs.
For you to be able to save, you need to cultivate the habit of saving. Saving is not actually something someone has to teach you, it takes determination and self discipline to be able to save. And like I always say, the kind of people you associate yourself with would definitely play an important role in how you manage your finances.
It is not quite easy when it comes to saving money as a lot of determination is required. Pragmatically, it would be very difficult for someone who has no source of income to cultivate the habit of saving. Before an individual is able to save, he must have compensated himself by purchasing all the needed products or services requires, using a scale of preference, then the remaining money can go for saving and other miscellaneous. There are many ways currently in which we can save our money based on the one which is best suitable for us.

For the traditional method, you can save through the piggy bank method by either saving; daily, weekly, monthly depending on one's financial capacity. Another way of saving is by using the banks to save, which could either be through a fixed deposit account, where you would gain some interests or through investing in treasury bill accounts where you loan your money to the government and get higher percentage when compared to the fixed deposit saving. There are other online methods of saving and the popular one in my location is piggyvest. it has been legitimate so far in disbursing funds at the end of the year to investors but I do not know the sustainability level.
There is totally and absolutely no one on earth that inherited the ability to save money from his or her parents . But rather the ability to save money is learnt and acquired as an external skill . The act of saving money usually calls for the time of being truthful and sincere to yourself . Why you may ask ? Well considered a example maybe you earn 5500 naira in a particular week . and you promise to yourself to always save 2000 out of the 5500 naira every week , to be able to keep to this promise you must be sincere to yourself and not make sure you do not miss any day there by using the morning to sort out various worthless and unuseful things.

If you are an individual desperately looking for a way to develop the habit of saving . Actually you do not need anyone to pressurize you to save , but rather merely knowing the benefits and advantages the act of saving has on you and on your future will definitely make you to save money starting from today . the reason why we save is basically and primarily to Carter , fund , and handle future unforeseen circumstances that could occur sometime in the future .
Personally, feel it doesn't matter where you save your money, if you don't have a good source of income, good saving habit and mode of saving you will achieve nothing reasonable.

There are a lot of other ways to save money that don't require a great deal of effort expevially if you are not bouyant enough For example:
Local Markets vs. Supermarkets – A local market will usually have better prices than a supermarket due to lower overhead costs and less competition.
Plant Your Own Food – Growing your own food is an obvious way to save money. Just make sure you know what you're doing and follow safe practices!
Use the Library – If you need to do research for a project that isn't due for a few months, just go to the library instead of buying all new books.
Swap Your Phone– You know how expensive cell phones can be. Why not see if anyone you know has an old one lying around?
Smartphone Plan– Switching carriers is always an option if you want better service or better deals (or both!).
Get nealy used gadgets, like TV, Fan, Freezer and the likes.
Don't overlook the smaller things in life when it comes to saving money.