How to Start Making Money on Youtube Super Fast


VIP Contributor
Be very consistent in publishing videos. In the beginning, when you do not have any videos to show on your channel, try to publish at least 2 videos every week, or even 3 videos in a week consistently for a couple of months. Then you can trim it down to one video a week.

Create Searchable content: When you have no subscribers, on viewers, the only way to get views is to make sure your content topic is searched on youtube and your content appears on the top search results.

Stay on the niche: Don’t pretend to know everything and help everyone. Even if you know a lot of things, stay true to one niche and create content on that niche. Youtube tries to put the content among the people who are interested in a particular niche. If your talk about a lot of things in your videos, it is difficult to determine who your audiences are. You can start creating content on other topics, once you have grown your “tribe” or “community”.
Here are my suggestions based on my own experience.
Learned video making so that you can create high quality videos. If possible, learn video animation and develop skills to create cartoon videos. If you have professional level video making skills, you will never have dearth of ideas and you can become very consistent in video publishing.
Learned SEO. If you do not know SEO, you cannot rank on youtube. Even to create searchable content, you need SEO skills so that your videos rank high and get internal traffic.
Learn digital marketing. Digital marketing will help you pull internal traffic as well as external traffic.
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The rule of the thumb: Create and use recognizable thumbnail. If you are a new content creator, people might not be able to recognize your channel name, but if the thumbnails on your videos are recognizable, it helps to get traffic. When your thumbnail can show what your video is all about, people are tempted to click on your video
The only way to make money on YouTube super fast is by getting lucky. You have to choose a niche that has the potential to go viral and from there just give your best and hope for everything to work out in your favor.

Most people that make money on YouTube have their channels opened for years. They spent a lot of time creating their content and they probably did not earn any money for the first couple of months or even for the first 1-2 years. It takes time to gain an audience that is going to follow you everytime you post a new video, and you can't just hack the system. As I said earlier you can get lucky if your channel becomes viral very quick and you gain a big audience Ina short amount of time, but that happens quite rarely especially because nowadays everyone is creating their own YouTube channel.