How To Start Selling Diamonds and Make Money.


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1. Learn about diamonds. What are they? Where do they come from? Who sells them? What is the industry like? Knowing your subject will help you know how to get involved with the diamond industry.

2. Decide what kind of diamonds you'd like to work with. Do you want to work with authentic diamonds, or do you want to create your own fake ones and sell them as costume jewelry? Do you want to sell diamonds in the standard way, or do you want to buy a machine that can cut them and sell them yourself? Your particular interest may dictate what kind of business you go into.

3. Get a business license and all other appropriate permits for selling diamonds in your area. This will vary depending on where you live and who your target market is.

4. Find out where your customers are, and how they would like to purchase their diamonds. Some people prefer buying in person, while others will be more comfortable purchasing online or over the phone. Make sure that wherever your audience is, so are you!

5. Buy some diamonds (or make them if that's what you're going for) and start marketing!

Interesting right? Start a Diamond Business today and make some cool cash.