How to Treat Scoliosis


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To treat scoliosis, you must first understand what it is. Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine that can cause back pain and discomfort if not treated properly. It can also lead to other back problems, such as chronic pain and degenerative disc disease.

There are different types of scoliosis treatments available, but they all aim to decrease the amount of stress on the spinal column and its surrounding tissues by making changes in posture or alignment.

The most common treatment involves braces or orthotics that help correct abnormal curves with pressure points on either side of the spine (called "push-pull"). These devices may be worn during daily activities such as walking, sitting at work or while driving an automobile; they're usually attached underneath clothing so they're unobtrusive when worn throughout day-to-day activities.

Other non-surgical treatments include manipulation techniques designed specifically for correcting abnormal spinal curvature; these include chiropractic adjustments, osteopathic manipulation.

- this involves doing exercises to strengthen the muscles around the spine and correct posture. These exercises include kneeling with your back against a wall, holding weights over your head while standing up straight, sitting in a chair and leaning forward to touch your toes on either side of you etc.. The aim is to reduce pain levels and increase flexibility in your back/spine area so that you don't experience as much discomfort when moving around throughout daily life activities such as walking up stairs or getting out of bed in the morning (which could otherwise be difficult due to stiff muscles).