Saving Money How to Win the 100 Envelope Challenge ?


The 100 envelope challenge is a fun way to save over $5,000 in 100 days. Here's how this savings game works and tips to win:

The Concept

You number 100 envelopes from 1 to 100. Each envelope corresponds to its number value in dollars. On day 1, put $1 in envelope 1. Day 2, put $2 in envelope 2. Continue stuffing envelopes with the corresponding dollar amount every day until you reach envelope 100. At the end, the total savings adds up to $5,050!

It's a simple yet powerful exercise in small, consistent saving that can painlessly build your savings account. The increasing amounts mimic how compound interest works.

Tips for Success

1. Schedule envelope stuffing as a daily ritual like brushing your teeth. Consistency is key.

2. Keep envelopes visible to stay motivated. Watch your stash grow.

3. Start small with $1 bills and loose change before building up.

4. When you get to bigger amounts, opt for money orders or withdraw cash rather than large checks.

5. Use automatic transfers to feed into a dedicated 100 envelope savings account.

6. Pair envelopes with a spending fast. Pack lunch rather than eating out.

7. Reinvest windfalls and found money like gift cards into the challenge.

8. Celebrate milestones to stay pumped. Do a happy dance at day 50!

9. Turn it into a group challenge with friends or family for camaraderie.

10. Sustain momentum by rolling into a 200 or 365 envelope challenge after completing 100 days.

The sense of accomplishment in completing the 100 envelope challenge will inspire you to keep saving towards your goals. Choose a savings target like an emergency fund, vacation, or paying off debt to stay focused.