How To Write Irresistibly Clickable Headlines?


VIP Contributor
The headline is the most important part of your content. It's what people read first. If you want to make sure people click on your content, you have to write a headline that's irresistible.

The secret to writing clickable headlines is to keep them short and sweet. People are busy and they don't have time for long copy. So instead of making your headline super long (which is a waste of space), keep it as short as possible without sacrificing quality or relevance.

Here are some simple tips for writing irresistible headlines:

1. Make sure that your keywords are in there somewhere but not so much that it distracts from the point of your article or makes people think it's advertising when it isn't (this is why you should use keyword research when crafting content).

2. Use action verbs to make it clear what the article is about (for example: "How To Create A Killer Instagram Profile").

3. Make sure that each word has its own distinct meaning (for example: "How To Be More Successful" not "How To Be Successful").

4. Use an action word at the beginning of your headline. If you’re writing a headline for a product, it should be something that people will want to click on. The best way to do this is by using words like “free” or “today only!”

5. Use a call-to-action in your headline to ensure that you get more clicks. A call-to-action is a phrase that directs people to take an action, such as “purchase now!” or “sign up now!”

6. Link to your content in the body of your article by including a URL in parentheses or bolding it out so readers know where to go if they want more information about what you’re talking about in your headline. This will help them find what they need easily and quickly!