Importance of setting goals while making money online


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"If you don't know where you are going anywhere can be a way"
The above saying is common and it is true.

The place of goal setting in attaining incredible heights can not be overemphasized.

Goal setting has done a lot of good in bringing out the best of people.
It's impact in enhancing gigantic results in people making money online is palpable.

Almost everyone I met that is making it big online has atleast in one way or the other a mental picture of what he wants to archive or the money he intends to make(goal)

This is important as it serves as a driving force and a source of motivation in other to bring out the best in us.
Well, I have been making money online for 4 years. I started as a social marketer and now I am content creator as well as blogger and vlogger. I never had a goal of becoming online worker. In fact I did not have any goals at all I studied management in the college not because I had specific goal in my mind, I studied management because I was better in the subject. I started my career in an advertising agency because I met the specific requirements and bot because it was my goal. I like to discover things and play cool
Of course a man without a goal is like the leaves of a tree blown here and there by the wind. You will have no focus and aim at all but having a goal puts you in a specific track.

When you have no goal, you might just be doing hanky panky and then at the end of the day there will be nothing that you can say was achieved.

In making money online, I try as much as possible to always set goals for myself and this is what basically helps me in reaching my goals easily.

And another benefit of setting goals is that it shows how determined you are and you can use your set goals to predict what you may have in the future thereby helping you in planning and making all the important decisions that will have their effects and roles to play in the nearest future.
Well, according to my point of view before planning an income goal which could be: daily, weekly, monthly or another time interval, I believe that each one should have before found its stable earning system, whether it is online or offline.
In the first instance various tests are necessary in order to observe how the earning are proceeding, this in the meantime to get an initial idea.
It's a new year and everyone one is making goals to achieve in the next 365 days. Personally, I think setting goals, especially huge ones is overrated, but I do love setting goals all the same.

When you know what you want, how and when you want it exactly, then you are at the beginning. You need to work on how to achieve that, the challenges you will face, how to overcome them.

One thing that has really helped me achieve a lot of goals in the lat ten days is breaking down tasks to the smallest parts possible.
For example, working on paid to post forums, I calculate how many minutes it will take me to write 150 words, and then I focus on those minutes till the task is complete.

This accumulates over time. It also helps to achieve your goals if you have a way or partner to keep you accountable. I keep a diary online, and I know I will be ashamed to go back a year later and see that I wasted that time.
I started making goals for my online earning back in 2020 and it has been a really great thing. Ever since I adopted the act of making goals, I have been able to make so much. I have also had much more consistency and discipline than the past years.

What goals does to you is that they push you to be accountable for your word. When you set a goal, you have promised yourself something and you will be in owe to yourself to work hard and give yourself what you promised you.

Goals require self discipline, you cannot just set one and wait for it to come true. It helps a lot to set a goal and forget about it. What this does is it prevents you from just thinking about your goal instead of doing the things that will help you reach that goal. You focus on the process rather than the results.

Setting goals is important for a number of reasons when it comes to making money online. First, having specific goals in mind can help you stay focused and motivated as you work towards achieving them. This is especially important when you're working online, where it can be easy to get distracted by the many potential distractions available on the internet.
In addition, setting goals can help you measure your progress and determine whether you are making the kind of progress you want to be making. This can be especially important when you are starting out, as it can be difficult to gauge your success without having specific targets to aim for.
Finally, setting goals can also help you to stay organized and prioritize your time effectively. By identifying what you want to achieve, you can create a plan for how you will go about achieving it, which can help you to make the most of your time and resources.
Overall, setting goals is an important part of the process of making money online, and can help you to stay focused, motivated, and on track as you work towards your financial goals