Important Nutrients And To Your Diet


VIP Contributor
There are a few nutrients that your body needs to function properly.
Protein, fat, and carbs are among them. In addition to these three macronutrients, you need certain micronutrients as well. These include vitamins and minerals.

The body needs many different types of vitamins and minerals, but there are a few that play an especially important role in the body’s processes.

These nutrients include:

1. Iron: This mineral helps your blood cells transport oxygen through the body. It’s also needed for proper brain function.

2. Calcium: This mineral is necessary for bone health and more.

3. Vitamin D: This vitamin helps build strong bones and may help prevent cancer.

4. Vitamin C: This vitamin aids in wound healing and supports the immune system.

5. Magnesium: This nutrient helps regulate blood sugar levels and supports muscle and nerve function.