In-house NFT Marketplace or NFT as a Service (NFTaaS)?


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The non-fungible token (NFT) business has bright prospects, making NFT marketplace development an excellent concept for in-house product development. This market is predicted to grow at a 35% annual pace from 2021 to 2026, reaching $147 billion. The evolution of NFTs has been rapid, unexpected, and precipitous. One constant in its expansion is corporate applications.

Businesses are striving to embrace NFTs and remain relevant in the face of blockchain, metaverse, and Web3 overwhelming old methods. Having said that, NFTs have already become a widespread phenomena. This trend may be explained by the rising number of influencers participating, the introduction of new gaming communities, and the expanding demand for digital art. In terms of getting traction, businesses can have their own in-house NFT marketplace or they can leverage any existing NFT as a Service (NFTaaS).