Increase Conversion Rate



This tool helps online businesses increase leads and sales by displaying real social proof.

Many online businesses have trouble converting their website visitors. It will show the popularity of your products and services. While building trust, positions brands as an authority, and gives the visitors fear of missing out on a great product.

Websites who use this can see an increase of 10-15% in leads and customers. You can set up a split test inside to only show notifications to half your users. Let the data show that it really works.

Best customers are:

*SaaS Companies

*eCommerce (not on Shopify)

*Courses & Coaching

*Membership Sites

The biggest indication a user will be successful with this tool is if they have a large number of visitors to their site already.
Best ways to increase your website's conversion rate:-
1. Include few fields as possible
2. Use testimonial
3. Clearly state the benefits of your products and services
4. Pay careful attention to your headline
5. Keep conversion elements above the fold
6. Use videos to humanize your brand