Internet Marketing: 3 Rules If You Are Not Yet Successful



One of my best mentors online refused to refer to himself as an internet marketer. He said that most people that used that term were in fact internet marketing addicts.

Internet Marketing-Pretty strong words.​

My mentor was himself an ex-drug addict. He used the 12-step Alcoholics Anonymous approach to getting himself sorted out. In the year I met him he earned more than 3 million dollars. So I took what he said seriously.

But you don’t have to be an ex-addict to think of internet marketing as an addiction.

In fact, it is just a subset of being an ‘information junkie’, as outlined by Micheal Masterson at Early To rising.

If you haven’t yet succeeded the way you want to online, then are you following the fundamental internet marketing rules?​

Micheal says an information junkie is:

  • addicted to the habit of buying information
  • has no intention of even applying the information he buys (although they may delude themselves into believing otherwise)
  • happiest at the time they are buying the information, then…
  • on to something else within hours or days. The new product gets left on the shelf with other past purchases.
Michael distinguishes this addict/junkie behavior from what he calls the ‘information user’.

This ‘information user’…​

  • buys to achieve specific goals
  • makes progress. If they read a book about nutrition, and there is a good chance (if the material is of interest) that they will change their eating habits shortly after this.
  • calculates a return from the information. If they invest a dollar in some subject, they expect a substantial return on that investment – perhaps ten times more value, whether material or spiritual.
  • has long-term expectations. They realize knowledge compounds over time as you discover more and develop further.

So which are you?​

Internet Marketing-Michael wants you to turn from a junkie into a user. My earlier mentor wanted people to stop doing internet marketing, and start creating an internet business.

I have been an internet marketing addict. I bought the latest product etc and only rarely did they work. Fortunately, I didn’t blow much money, but I certainly blew a bunch of time and credibility, and opportunities. It’s been hard work to get them back.

That is the history that leads to my blog and the lessons you will find there.​

It took me quite a while to recognize what I was doing. I hope this article makes you consider yourThey situation if you haven’t yet had the online success you want.

When you are ready to succeed you can use the 12-step AA program – or you can begin with these rules from Michael Masterson:

1. When you buy an information product, set specific deadlines for reading it and implementing what you learn. For example, commit to taking one of its recommended actions within 24 hours.

2. Don’t buy any other product until you have made progress with your previous purchase.
When I read Michael’s piece I instantly agreed. They are 2 rules I had developed for myself.

To go along with these internet marketing rules I would also add a third.

3. Follow a proven path for your success, including having a mentor who is already further ahead on the path you want