Shares/Stock Investing in blue chip stocks


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This is my experience in stocks. I recently received a grant of stocks with a substantial worth. The first step is to open an account with the Stock Securities office - it is an affiliate of the corporation that owns the stocks. The account in the securities is connected to my bank account. I understand that transactions of any kind that will involve money will also involve my bank account. When I do the trading, the proceeds of the sales of my stocks will be deposited to my bank account. Vice versa, when I buy stocks the payment will be debited to my bank account. So those are the 2 requirements for trading in stocks - 1) account in securities company and 2) bank account to hold my funds.

My stocks are blue chip because it is the stocks of the biggest bank here and the richest family in our country owns the said bank. Obviously the stocks are stable and dependable when it comes to risks. I am confident that my stocks worth $20,000 can stay there for long with the market price to increase continually and that I would be receiving an annual dividend.