Is eating a egg essential for our body health?


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As we all know that health is very important thing than any other thing in the world and if we want to look beautiful and charming then for this it is very important that your health should be good first and i think without proper health nothing will make you beautiful and glowing .So today i will tell how we maintain ourselves with eating eggs while egg is a source of nutrients and it increases the levels of high density lipoproteins which is also know that good cholesterol and it is said that if a person has a high level of high density lipoproteins then it have lower chances of heart attack and health problems it si very good for your skin becaus ethe lutein which is present in egg helps the skin to moisturize and also provide hydration and elasticity to your skin and hard boiled egg is very good for those people who want to lose weight because the lean protein which is present in the egg fill up you without increasing your body calories and your body weight so i think we should eat a one two boiled egg in a day if we want to become fit and healthy
When I was in grade school our teacher often said that the egg is a complete meal and is very good for the kids like us. When I have a trip like an excursion in school my mother would always give me boiled eggs for my emergency food. Even when I am already working I still bring along boiled egg sometimes in the office that would serve as my snack in case I get hungry and I have no time to go out to buy food. I still believe that the egg is one complete meal although I also know that it has cholesterol. If you have a high cholesterol level then maybe you should not be eating eggs anymore. For me, I always do things in moderation so it is all right for me to eat eggs once a week maybe as long as I did my exercise and my meal is balanced with nutrients.